Colloquia Guest Talk - IIM, Calcutta

Colloquia, IIM-Calcutta
Colloquia, the oldest club of IIM Calcutta, organized the first guest talk of the current academic session. Mr. Akhilesh Tilotia, Associate Director, Kotak Institutional Equities spoke on ‘Making of India-Game Changing Transitions’ this month.

The speaker, an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, is also an author of a recent book by the same name. Mr. Tilotia leads thematic research under the Game Changer brand and co-authors market strategy reports on the Indian equity markets. He has worked with the Boston Consulting Group and was a co-founder of Park Financial Advisors. He has been an investment banker, a consultant and a personal finance advisor, even while pursuing his interests in astronomy, mythology, securities law and languages.

The talk focused on the opportunities and challenges that India faces as it seeks to reap the benefits of its demographic dividend. The talk was structured on the key highlights of Mr. Tilotia’s recent book and was highly informative for the audience. In addition, the talk also touched upon radical transitions that India is undergoing in a variety of spheres from skill development to digital revolution. He touched upon the opportunities for investors in view of these game changing transitions.

He spoke on how the opening up of the Indian Economy post liberalization is slowly undoing the ill effects of severe price distortions that have taken place to the public goods in the country, like Education, healthcare etc. He argued that the earlier regime of price distortions has distorted incentives, and thus across various sectors
The talk was well attended by student from all the programs


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