Two articles in the India Infrastructure Review 2004, 3i Network (IDFC, IIM-A, IIT-K)

Swapnil Pawar and I wrote two articles in the India Infrastructure Review in 2004 while we were second-year students of the Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A).

You can read the articles here: Book (from page 270 of the printed book; page 298 of the pdf)

A Faster Road on the Periphery of a City Sprawl Can Have Immense Value
Swapnil Pawar and Akhilesh Tilotia
Roads as Commercial Assets 270 • The Basic Model 270 • Changes Due to the Fast Road from Periphery 271 • Calculation of Value Addition 271 • Application to Real Life Case of a City 272 • Conclusions 272

Traffic Risk Management—Derivatives in the Transport Sector 273
Akhilesh Tilotia and Swapnil Pawar
The Problem 273 • Alternative 1: Intra-private Players’ Risk 274 • Alternative 2: Financial Intermediary 274 • The Derivatives Market 275 • Expected Players and the Potential 276 • Issues 277


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